Corporate InformationCorporate Information

Metro Ligero Oeste, S.A. is the concession holder of the ML2 and ML3 light rail lines that connect Madrid and the municipalities of Boadilla del Monte, Alcorcón and Pozuelo de Alarcón to the Madrid Region underground, suburban rail and bus network since July 2007.

MLO Lines


From Colonia Jardín to Estación de Aravaca


From Colonia Jardín to Puerta de Boadilla

The company has travelled more than 25 million kilometres and serving a population of roughly 200,000 inhabitants.

MLO has consolidated its position amongst the residents and workers of Pozuelo de Alarcón, Boadilla del Monte and Madrid as a sustainable, reliable, comfortable and punctual transport

The fact that it operates safely side-by-side with the population has increased customer satisfaction, which is now amongst the highest of the public transport system in the Madrid Region.

MLO is member of some of the world's most prestigious public transport associations:

The International Public Transport Union (UITP), MLO has been a member of this union, which boasts almost 1,400 member companies and 16,000 professionals in the national, regional and local urban mobility area, spread across 96 countries, since January 2008.

Atuc, asociación de Empresas Gestoras de los Transportes Urbanos Colectivos, integrada por las empresas de buses, metros y ferrocarriles, públicas y privadas, responsables del transporte colectivo urbano de las principales ciudades de ámbito estatal.

(Datos actualizados a May de 2023)

Main line characteristics

  • Paradas Tranvía

    28 Light Rail

  • Fecha Inauguración

    27/07/07 Inauguration

  • Kilometros de vías

    22,4 Track

  • Habitantes beneficiados

    200.000 Population

Our shareholders

MLO is owned by three shareholding companies, all with widely acknowledged international prestige in their respective areas.


Quality, environment and occupational health & safety management policy

In compliance with our mission, vision and values, Metro Ligero Oeste (MLO) maintains a permanent commitment to the Integrated Management Policy and ensures ethics and integrity.

Download ESG Policy

Download MLO Code of Ethics

Ethics communication channel:

Bureau 2021
certificado conciliación

Mission, Vision & Values

These are the underlying principles of Metro Ligero Oeste's commitment to our passengers, staff and the general community:


To offer citizens a safe, accessible, punctual and fast mobility service with a primary sustainability goal in economic, social and environmental terms.


To become a national benchmark as a passenger transport system concession project through the professional excellence of a team committed to all its stakeholders: passengers, staff, administrators, shareholders, suppliers and society in general.


MLO defines the characteristic values of everyone who works for the organisation. These values affect the way our staff members work, their relations with their colleagues and the way we interact with our stakeholders.

  • Personal

    Based on the staff’s professionalism, their integrity and their honesty

  • Organisational

    Based on the team’s involvement, respect for individuals and on-going excellence.

  • Corporate

    Founded on customer satisfaction, on a social responsibility commitment and on conveying pride in belonging to a unique group.

Supplier Management Policy


supplier evaluation